Welcome Professionals

No time?, read this paragraph!

Slowing down, attention to what really matters, ultimately leads to creation, innovation and acceleration. Room for conscious action, authentic contact, courage, intuition and new perspectives on your career, team functioning or issues at stake. This drives me in being a sounding board for professionals.


  • Lennart showed great creativity and skill in connecting two different research groups, in bridging their cultural differences, in order to support a successful start of the innovative bachelor Nano-biology.


  • He is a professional executive coach, true listener and an expert in applying different styles and methods to help me approach my issues differently. 


  • He is experienced in working with academically trained technicians and his attitude has inspired me.  

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Lennart Rem Developing Professionals offers:

Personal,- professional,- team development and innovation for academically trained professionals. Based on his background as an organizational psychologist, career and executive coach, trainer and facilitator, Lennart works with different professional groups on themes such as personal leadership and professional development.

  • Innovation, team development and training

    • Team coaching
    • Training Personal Leadership and Train The Trainers
    • Leadership & Learning, HR Consultancy

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  • Individual and professional development
    • Leadership Retreat
    • Academic Executive Coaching
    • Career perspectives current and future job

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Way of working
Words and stories

Words and stories create life. Reconsidering your life narrative might lead to unforeseen opportunities and breaking through barrieres

Intuition and playfullness

Intuition is about discovering your (soft) inner signals. Playfulness helps to nourish a sense of wonder and humor in your work and life.


Social psychology and (Critical) Organizational & Leadership Science offer a fundament for exploring and dealing with professional development

Alternate your perspective

Development means playing with multiple meanings, explore the systems influencing you and taking the lead in your personal direction within this.

Embrace diversity

Diversity makes professional life challenging and sometimes difficult. Bridging cultural, professional and personal differences fosters growth.

Feedback and learning

Professionals learn by challenging and sharing best practices. Explicit feedback on styles, qualities and team behavior is next in improving performance.

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